
Tag Archives: taxi accident

Injuries from taxi accident involving two cabs on Manhattan street

New York – This car crash involved two taxis that collided after one of the drivers apparently ran through a red light. Witnesses of the red light accident explained that one of the vehicles, a minivan, T-boned the car, causing that second vehicle to jump the curb. After running onto the sidewalk, it crashed into pedestrians who were eating in a restaurant’s outdoor seating area. One of the accident victims was a baby who was thrown from his stroller and fell to the ground. He suffered a leg injury with suspected broken bone. Several additional injury victims were passengers in one of the cabs. The young child was the most seriously injured in this sidewalk accident according to authorities. It should be noted that the taxi driver that allegedly caused the collision can face both criminal charges for running a red light and reckless driving as well as civil personal injury lawsuits. Community activists expressed concern about dangerous drivers who operate taxis. They note that close training, licensing and monitoring of these drivers is essential to prevent injuries and wrongful death. Only three weeks ago another young child was struck and killed by an unlicensed cab driver in Rockland, NY. Activists demand answers and changes to prevent additional pedestrian accidents like this in the future. You can find out more about this taxi versus pedestrian collision here.

Photo for illustrative purposes only. Photo Credit: Peter Burka [License]

New York City taxi accident killed pedestrian

New York – A pedestrian accident left a woman dead after she was hit by a cab as she was crossing the street. Witnesses say that the woman and her friend were crossing the Upper East Side road when a taxi struck her and pushed her into the lane of another cabbie. The second taxi crashed into the already injured victim, possibly causing the fatal blow. Bystanders raced to start treating the woman’s accident injuries and stop traffic in order to prevent another car crash. Police believe the two pedestrians may have been jaywalking but it was unclear if the yellow cabs were speeding at the time of the collision. Accident specialists explain that the cause of a car crash is not always immediately evident and requires close examination. Anything from drunk driving or a distracted driver to speeding or poor road design can contribute to an accident. They note that some collisions have multiple contributing causes and a complete investigation is necessary to prevent further injuries or wrongful deaths. Some hazardous conditions can simply be alleviated by installing better signs or lighting while other car accidents can be prevented with stronger police enforcement of known trouble spots. For example, police awareness and ticketing programs to prevent reckless driving or driving while texting or talking on a cell phone can help prevent crashes. However, experts note that the taxi drivers may have also suffered injuries during the accident that may have been caused by the pedestrians. They explain that everyone that shares the roadway is expected to follow the appropriate laws, including pedestrians and bicyclists. If you, or someone you know, were involved in a motor vehicle accident, you are entitled to discuss your case with an experienced accident lawyer to determine your rights. Read more about this pedestrian struck accident here.

Illustrative photo by The Wordsmith (Own work) [CC-BY-SA-3.0], via Wikimedia Commons

New York City cab accidents cause serious injuries

New York — Transportation safety activists are up in arms this week as two taxi accidents occurred within days of each other on city streets. The most recent of these car crashes involved a cab that jumped onto a busy Manhattan sidewalk and hit several pedestrians. The injured pedestrians included a woman tourist that suffered severe injuries of both legs. One of her feet was amputated during the car accident according to doctors. Bystanders tried treating the injured woman until ambulance crews and paramedics arrived. Unfortunately, trauma surgeons in the hospital were unsuccessful in reattaching the severed foot. According to reports, this cab accident victim was the most seriously wounded during the crash. However, at least two additional injury victims were treated in this pedestrian accident according to emergency responders. The extent of their wounds were unclear and the patients were rushed to the hospital for emergency evaluation and treatment. Witnesses say that the cab driver hit a bicyclist and some report that it was due to road rage. The taxi driver claimed that the accident was due to his losing control after the bicycle rider started banging on his cab. Police investigators were still looking into the details of what caused this motor vehicle crash. Apparently, the taxi driver has a poor driving record with several violations and tickets, including one for running a red light. Safety activists in the city expressed concern since this was not the first alleged road rage accident involving a NYC cab this week. In an unrelated taxi crash, two cab drivers were allegedly fighting for a customer fare and the car jumped the curb, hitting a construction scaffolding. In that taxi accident, one of the cars also hit the side of the building and caused damage. Activists pointed to the reckless driving behavior of many drivers in the city and are demanding more concrete actions to protect citizens. They warn that police and officials must do more to ticket aggressive drivers and suspend their driver’s licenses. Some believe that police should even impound their cars and arrest the most serious offenders, including those convicted of road rage crashes. Otherwise, safety advocates say, we can all expect to continue seeing serious accidents and injuries or even deaths on New York’s roads. You can find out more about the pedestrian accident involving the taxi driver and tourist here.

Photo by Mariordo (Mario Roberto Durán Ortiz) (Own work) [CC-BY-SA-3.0], via Wikimedia Commons