Personal Injury Attorneys Say, Watch Out for Elevators

Nowadays, elevators have become standard parts of the lives of millions of New Yorkers who live and work in sky-high buildings. Like sidewalkspublic buses and parking lots, elevators can also cause serious personal injury, caution top New York personal injury attorneys. A 1994 study by the Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) documented as many as 7,300 escalator and 9,800 elevator injuries that necessitated hospitalization — in one year alone! Accidents and personal injuries keep happening. This week, says CBS, an Albany New York worker had on the job injury, and got wedged between an open parking lot elevator and a concrete floor. The victim sustained a serious head injury as a result of the accident. Got hurt in an elevator or job accident?  Contact New York’s leading Personal Injury attorneys who can fight and win your case or settlement. Look for a successful history of wins, and get maximum compensation.

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