
Tag Archives: accident attorney

Can a spinning class cause a car accident-like or crush-like injury?

New York – A team of medical researchers from Westchester, NY have discovered a possible link between spinning class exercise and a type of muscle injury that can lead to kidney damage. The nephrologist doctors noted multiple cases of people being injured with a condition called rhabdomyolysis after taking a spin class, especially people who are new to this type of intense exercise. The condition is normally found in severe trauma victims, for example, those involved in a car crash, victims of a slip and fall accident from a height or crush injury patients. The rhabdomyolysis condition is caused by massive muscle injury that leads to dangerous levels of myoglobin protein being deposited into the victim’s blood stream. This can then lead to kidney injury and even kidney failure and death according to doctors. Public safety specialists are now asking about the qualifications of those who recommend and teach spinning classes, wondering if they are educated about the dangers involved. They explain that this is just one type of spinning class injury. Activists have noted that the spin instructors must take responsibility by becoming educated, obtaining medical clearance when necessary and ensuring student safety for all of their classes. If you think that you might have been injured by someone, you have the right to discuss your case with an accident attorney who specializes in personal injury lawsuits. Please see this article for more about the research into rhabdomyolysis and spin exercising.

Photo for illustrative purposes only. Photo Credit: Dawn [License]

Data shows increased incidence of deaths from accident injuries

The recent release of data on the causes of death in the United States shows some disturbing statistics regarding fatal accidents. The study by the National Safety Council (NSC) showed yet another significant increase in car crashes with life-threatening injuries. Public safety specialists express concern regarding this, in light of the efforts to increase design safety of motor vehicles and roads as well as safe driving campaigns. Modern cars and trucks have advanced technology seat belts and airbags as well as safety sensors throughout the vehicle. Further analysis is needed but some wrongful death experts believe that the noted increase in serious injuries is due to distracted driver accidents. They blame this on the increased technology devices distracting drivers, such as driving while texting, talking on a cell phone while driving and even people who read and post to Twitter and Facebook while operating a motor vehicle. They also note that some drivers don’t take their responsibility seriously while they eat, read or speed instead of concentrating on the road. Several other causes of accidental injuries that commonly lead to death were identified by the council. These include slip and fall, drowning and overdose accidents. If you or someone you know has suffered a preventable accident due to someone’s possible negligence, you have the right to speak to an expert accident attorney to discuss your case. You can also find out more about the NSC study here.

Photo for illustrative purposes only. Photo Credit: Walter [License]