New York — A popular discount bus company that services the New York area has been under close scrutiny following multiple bus accident incidents over the past several years. Safety concerns regarding the busses, fleet maintenance and driver training are all being investigated by local and federal authorities. Some of the serious bus accidents with injuries for this company include an incident this year when two pedestrians were hit by a bus, a bus crash on a highway a few years ago and a dangerous bus fire only a year before that. Reports show that dozens of accident victims were injured or killed in those motor vehicle crash accidents. Safety regulators say that the company has many basic safety violations that boil down to a hazardous condition every time those busses take to the roadways. While the company won’t share details, they have reportedly faced several personal injury lawsuits after the accidents left so many people with permanent injuries. A New York City accident injury lawyer explains that a bus company that doesn’t comply with safety laws and regulations can be held responsible for injury or death caused during an accident with their bus. However, it becomes even more concerning when a specific company injures or kills many innocent victims but still performs negligent maintenance on their vehicles. Transportation safety advocates warn that some companies may compromise safety standards in their effort to boost profits while maintaining cheaper ticket prices. These issues have left officials needing to pass more stringent laws and regulations in order to try to get dangerous bus companies off the roads. Reports show that the specific bus company in question has chartered busses from another company in order to maintain service in the meantime. Find out more about this bus safety investigation here.
Photo by Railhk0512 [CC-BY-SA-2.0], via Wikimedia Commons