New York – Yesterday’s Metropolitan Transportation Authority (MTA) bus crash led to at least nine accident victims receiving emergency treatment of their injuries. Several of the injured passengers refused transport to a hospital but may require medical care at a later date. The bus driver admitted to losing control of the bus and crashing into a support pillar of a highway overpass bridge above. The questions regarding why and how the driver lost control remain the focus of the investigation. Police and MTA officials were looking into the cause of the accident, including a check into the driver’s safety record and accident history. They have received eye-witness reports that he was a distracted driver, possibly reaching to get a bottle when the motor vehicle collision occurred. The crash occurred near a curve in the road which may been a factor in the incident. Further scrutiny of this accident with injuries must include evaluation of the mechanical condition of the bus itself. Investigators will need to look at the repair and maintenance records for the vehicle to determine if it was safe for public transportation use. In addition to driver error, negligent maintenance can contribute to mechanical failures and an accident. The city’s MTA hasn’t issued a comment on the bus accident, pending investigation. However, public transit safety advocates are expressing deep concern regarding the driving habits of some of the drivers. They insist that the bus companies and city are responsible to take immediate corrective action against any dangerous driver in order to prevent more accidents, injuries and even death. You can read up more about this bus collision here.
Illustrative Photo Credit: Metropolitan Transportation Authority of the State of New York [License] Photo: Marc A. Hermann / MTA New York City Transit