
Tag Archives: coronavirus

Negligence? Why is New York getting hit so hard with COVID-19?

New York – Various theories abound as to why the New York City area is at the epicenter of the novel coronavirus 2019 pandemic. Thousands of COVID-19 victims have already died and up to several hundred thousand more New Yorkers are confirmed to have been infected with the dangerous virus. Citizens and workers have been concerned as to why the area has been hit so hard and wonder what should be done about it. One possibility is that employers and businesses have been negligent in properly disinfecting surfaces and equipment in the workplace. Improper cleaning of desks, phones, doorknobs and files may be linked to spread of the dangerous disease. This has many concerned for their health and welfare, especially for those workers who are being required to come into work every day. Office workers, maintenance staff, factory workers and essential workers such as doctors, nurses and ancillary hospital staff can be at risk for contracting and spreading coronavirus according to research. Workplace safety experts say that it is the responsibility of employers and management to provide for a safe work environment and to prevent a hazardous situation for both workers and customers alike. They express concern for the lack of safety equipment, personal protective supplies and disinfection control in places ranging from hospitals and doctor’s offices to everyday places such as offices, warehouses and supermarkets. Important things to look out for when assessing this include: Does the business provide gloves or face masks? Approved and safe cleaning and disinfectant supplies? Cleaning crews that are licensed and follow best practices? Does the store require customers and workers to wear face masks? Do they enforce social distancing guidelines to prevent people from coughing or sneezing on others? Some have pointed out that negligent cleaning can be similar in concept to negligent maintenance that creates a health risk and dangerous condition for others. Imagine if a store refused to clean up a slippery spill in the middle of an aisle and along comes an unsuspecting shopper that suffers a slip and fall accident as a result. Is this all part of the cause of the rapid and dangerous spread of COVID-19 in New York? See this article for more about the New York outbreak of coronavirus.

Photo for illustrative purposes only. Photo Credit: sergio santos [License]

Coronavirus protection plan in the workplace :: Employer’s responsibility?

New York – Many people are concerned about their own health as well as that of the people around them during this coronavirus outbreak. A common question that comes up is, what is the responsibility of the employer during these perilous times? Can an employer require workers to come in to work? Should they? Some jobs are vital for society and the well being of everyone. However, other jobs are less so and this should be taken into consideration by a boss. The driving force in decision making should involve the health and well being of employees and customers, and not just money. Workers should be encouraged to work from home or at off times when the office or workplace is relatively empty. In addition, the workplace should be kept clean and disinfected on a very regular basis to avoid getting workers and customers sick. A central thought of employers during this time must be to prevent a work illness or work injury. This may mean that a company will need to work on setting up the employee with adequate work-at-home accommodations and allowances as needed. Employers and companies should ensure a safer environment by also sending home any worker who shows any signs of illness, such as a fever, cough or shortness of breath. The concept is similar to the requirement on employers to provide a safe and healthy work environment in general. For example, good lighting in an office or warehouse to prevent a trip and fall; proper safety equipment on a dangerous construction site; or constant diligence to avoid broken equipment from improper maintenance. In addition, employers should make reasonable efforts to educate their workers and staff on how to protect themselves at work. Systems should be set up by managers and bosses to prevent clumping of customers and workers to prevent spread of the disease. Clear signs and instructions as well as any necessary personal protection equipment and safe cleaning supplies should be made available to staff and customers to prevent a dangerous situation. You can see this article for more guidance on how to prevent getting sick from COVID-19 in the workplace.

Photo for illustrative purposes only. Photo Credit: Senado Federal [License]