
Tag Archives: injured on the job

Scaffolding collapse injures workers on West Side of Manhattan

New York – Two window washers were injured on the job while working on the side of a skyscraper at Hudson Yards. Reports show that they were working on a scaffold when it apparently gave way and collapsed with the workers inside. According to responders the accident victims fell along with the scaffolding rig approximately twenty feet down and suffered a fall accident with injuries. It does not appear that the men slipped out of the rig but it is unclear if that is due to safety harness equipment that is standard issue for dangerous work at a height. Safety inspectors will also need to make sure that the workers were properly trained for the job and in the use of all legally required safety equipment and procedures. In addition, it is necessary to inspect the maintenance records for the scaffold equipment as well as the harnesses and safety devices. Negligent maintenance can easily lead to a scaffold collapse or construction accident and therefore proper maintenance records are needed in such situations. One injured worker was taken in serious condition to the trauma room of a close hospital while the other injury victim was taken to the emergency room in stable condition, both with unknown wounds. The work accident may be covered by worker’s compensation insurance coverage, however, this would require further investigation. This article explains more about this work injury.

Photo for illustrative purposes only. Photo Credit: Edwin Martinez [License]

Police officers injured on the job in car crash

A car accident occurred on the highway leading to the Holland Tunnel approach into New York City. This set the scene for a subsequent car crash that injured several police officers. Reports show that responding police officers from the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey as well as Jersey City police departments were at the scene of the initial car collision. They were taking care of the accident scene and injured driver when another vehicle lost control and hit a barrier. That vehicle then hit one of the policemen and a police car, causing multiple accident injuries. The pedestrian accident caused one officer to suffer with serious injuries and several other cops suffered injuries as well. It is unclear why the two accidents occurred but specialists explain that distracted drivers often cause secondary collisions like this. They note that drivers often concentrate on the initial accident scene and flashing emergency lights and lose control over their vehicle. This is one of the reasons that many states, including New York, have created “move over laws” that require drivers to move over an extra lane on the highway or roadway when possible. This allows police, EMTs, paramedics and fire fighters a safer work environment. The prevention of workplace accidents and a work injury in these types of environments is challenging but necessary. On the job injuries are usually covered by worker’s compensation insurance. However, these insurance coverages can often lack a fair process or control to patients over their healthcare. Some find it necessary to hire a workers comp lawyer to help them fight for their rights. You can read more about this work injury here.

Photo for illustrative purposes only. Photo Credit: bark [License]

Patient and ambulance worker injured on the job during assault

New York – Emergency Medical Technicians (EMT) often treat assault victims but this is a case of the EMT becoming the injury victim himself after being attacked by a driver. The incident began with an emergency ambulance crew who were treating a sick elderly man when a passing driver became agitated. The driver of the car yelled at and threatened the EMT since the ambulance was blocking the road. The enraged driver then hit the pedestrian EMT while the ambulance worker attempted to move his patient out of the way. Reports show that both the EMT and the patient in the stretcher were injured in the pedestrian accident. Sources say that the worker suffered a shoulder injury while the original sick patient suffered a leg injury with possible leg fracture. Both were taken to the hospital for treatment, including evaluation for broken bones. Police arrested the driver of the car and criminal charges against the man are pending. He is accused of road rage that led to a physical assault. It turns out that the driver of that car was actually a hospital worker himself. He now faces multiple problems, including the criminal court case, the possibility of losing his job at the hospital as well as a civil personal injury lawsuit from the accident victims. See this article to find out more about this assault with injuries car crash.

Photo for illustrative purposes only. Photo by Eyone [Licensing cc-by-sa-2.5]

Injured worker from hit-and-run accident on Long Island

New York – A workman who was collecting garbage was hit by a car according to the victim’s report. The driver of the car admits that his vehicle made contact with the worker but he described in as a minor accident. He explains that this was the reason he left the scene of the accident with injuries. Police then looked into the hit-and-run collision and questioned the driver. The driver has placed the blame for the pedestrian accident on the sanitation worker. He noted that the side mirror casing of the car is what hit the victim. The worker who was injured on the job has reported that he suffered a hand injury. Trauma specialists explain that this type of mechanism of collision can lead to various injuries, including broken bones or fractures, ligament and tendon injury or even nerve damage or vascular wounds. Further investigation into both the injuries and liability for the crash is necessary to determine fault and a causal relationship. However, some believe that the driver may have been negligent and that his fleeing the scene of the crash was criminal. A top New York personal injury lawyer notes that the employer most likely is required to carry worker’s compensation insurance. This worker’s comp carrier often must pay for medical care while the victim works out the legal aspect in court. See this article for more about this work injury.

Photo for illustrative purposes only. Photo Credit: Chuck D [License]

Ambulance crash kills and injures after man tries to steal the vehicle

New York – City officials from the Fire Department of New York (FDNY) report that one emergency medical technician (EMT) was killed and another injured on the job when someone tried to steal their ambulance. The horrific work accident started when a driver of a car alerted the driver of the ambulance to someone who was riding on the rear bumper of the vehicle. The crew stopped the ambulance and tried to chase the joy-rider off of the truck bumper. However, the man then jumped into the driver’s seat and tried to steal the ambulance. While the crew ran after him to try to regain control over the ambulance, the EMTs were pedestrians struck and hit by the ambulance. The female EMT was run over by the ambulance and suffered fatal injuries. She was treated for a traumatic cardiac arrest and rushed to the hospital, where she was declared dead by emergency room doctors. Her partner also suffered injuries during the pedestrian collision and is expected to survive. Bystanders and responding police arrested the man who had tried stealing the ambulance. He has been criminally charged for the theft, murder and causing injuries to the EMTs. However, an injury attorney in Manhattan explains that the man can also face civil lawsuits from the injured worker EMT as well as a wrongful death lawsuit from the family of the EMT who was killed. See this article for more details about this ambulance worker accident.

Photo for illustrative purposes only. Credit: Edwin Martinez [License]