Toyota faces negligence lawsuit from motor vehicle accident

In February 2010, we reported on this breaking story about the Toyota Recall. A half year later, the wife of a man who died in a car accident is now filing a lawsuit in this wrongful death case. She claims that Toyota’s negligence in installing faulty floor mats caused her husband to crash. The lawsuit states that the cause of the accident was the floor mat getting stuck against the gas pedal. Toyota has been going through a series of recalls as cited here. One of the recent Toyota recalls was for problems with floor mats that got stuck, causing the driver to lose control. Many consumer advocates and even law makers have complained that Toyota should have moved quicker. Some personal injury lawyers say that an earlier recall may have prevented countless motor vehicle injuries and deaths. The current lawsuit may cost Toyota several millions of dollars. This child suffered a brain injury while roller skating when she was hit by an out-of-control car in New York. She and her family were awarded $1.3 Million for the car injury. If you or someone you know were injured in a car accident, contact us top personal injury lawyers for advice. Full story on the recent Toyota lawsuit here.

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