Daily Archives: December 21, 2020

New York City a dangerous place for bicyclists

New York – Bicycle accidents are a known hazard for bikers, pedestrians and motorists alike. Unfortunately, bike crash incidents occur all of the time on the busy city streets, causing serious accident injuries and even wrongful deaths. Public safety advocates say that the city, police and many drivers share negligent responsibility for these accidents. They believe that the proper steps to secure the roads are not taken despite the known hazardous condition created for innocent bicycle riders that also need to share the roads. This is how many get to work, do deliveries, make their way to shopping and overall just get around. Activists contend that department of transportation officials must do a proper job of designing safe streets, maintain roads and parking zones according to basic safety standards and must identify and repair known danger zones. Negligent maintenance is an obvious safety hazard that should be addressed by city officials. In addition, NYPD police officers have a responsibility to actively make the streets safer by stopping and ticketing or towing dangerous drivers and keeping bicycle lanes open and clear of illegally parked cars and trucks. This can prevent bike versus car accidents. The sanitation department also shares responsibility to maintain clean and safe streets and bike lanes without dangerous debris that can lead to a collision or injury. This article shares more about the dangers and difficulties that often lead to bicycle and pedestrian accidents.

Photo for illustrative purposes only. Photo Credit: Nicanor Arenas Bermejo [License]