Daily Archives: June 30, 2021

Ferry accident in Brooklyn blamed on equipment failure

New York – A private ferry boat accident occurred when the boat ran aground this past ‎weekend. Reports show that the ship was filled with over 100 people when it suffered a steering ‎failure and the engine was apparently unresponsive. Luckily the Fire Department of New York (FDNY) ‎emergency responders were able to located the damaged vessel quickly and rescue the passengers. ‎Officials say that at least one person on board the boat crash suffered injuries. That injury victim was ‎taken to the hospital for emergency evaluation. It is unclear if any other accident victims sought ‎medical care after being rescued. Boat and sailing safety experts say that there have been several ‎boating accidents in New York over the past few months. Transportation and boat safety Investigators ‎will need to examine the maintenance logs and safety protocols followed by the ferry company in ‎order to determine if any negligent maintenance could have helped lead to this boat crash. See this ‎article for more about these ferry crash.‎

Photo of unassociated ship for illustrative purposes only. Photo credit:‎ -EZEK [License]