$990,000 Worker’s Compensation Settlement – Electrician injured hip and pelvis on the job

Mr. Sabet, an electrician in New York City, worked for a contractor when he suffered an injury to his hip and pelvis. His on- the job injury required two orthopedic surgeries and extensive physical therapy. Despite his medical care, Mr. Sabet contended that he was left with physical disabilities that would prevent him from returning to work as an electrician.

He consulted with the well-known worker’s comp lawyers at Morrison & Wagner LLP, an injury law firm in New York City, with a successful history of recovering money for work accident victims. With their help, Sabet filed an injury lawsuit against his employer, demanding compensation for damages, pain and suffering.

Details of the worker’s injuries, his pain and suffering as well as past and projected future expenses — due to the injury — were submitted by experts, as part of a life care plan. Morrison & Wagner contended that due to the injuries, the disabled worker would be restricted in his available lines of work, required re-training to adapt to new lines of work, and would not be able to return to his professional career.

Morrison & Wagner LLP succesfully resolved the work injury claim. The employer settled the case and agreed to pay $990,000 to the NY work injury victim.

Have you been injured at work? Tell us about it – it’s a free consultation!

Photo by U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service – Pacific Region’s [CC-BY-2.0], via Wikimedia Commons

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