New York – Doctors have long struggled to adequately treat pain related to traumatic nerve injury. A recent study into the effectiveness of pain medications for various sources of pain looked into this further. They researched pain medications such as pregabalin, often marketed as Lyrica, that some doctors have tried using for patients who suffered an traumatic injury involving a nerve. Unfortunately, the study showed that this type of medication is not ineffective in treating this type of pain. These could be patients suffering with a laceration or torn nerve, radiculopathy from a neck and back injury, brachial plexopathy or the like. The causes of such nerve injuries often include motor vehicle accident, slip and fall injury, work accident, broken bones and fractures or assault. However, the medication is approved by the FDA for patients suffering from pain from a spinal cord injury. The doctors researching this medication did note that patients with chronic post-surgical pain may benefit from the use of the drug. This is good news for patients trying to get relief from chronic pain after surgery whether its related to routine complications or surgical error. You can read more about this injury and chronic pain research here.
Photo for illustrative purposes only. Photo Credit: Zdenko Zivkovic [License]