Three unrelated motor vehicle accidents involving busses, trucks and cars occurred as the vehicles traveled toward Manhattan, New York via the Lincoln Tunnel yesterday. The first bus accident involved two commuter busses that crashed in traffic. The driver of one bus rear-ended the other bus and injured upwards of 20 victims during the wreck. Investigators report that the investigation continues into the cause of the bus crash to determine who was at fault. An accident lawyer in New York City explained that usually the car or vehicle that rear ended the other vehicle is determined to be at fault. However, sometimes the rear end accident investigation can reveal that the driver of the vehicle that was hit was actually driving recklessly or cut someone off. In that case, the fault may be determined to be on the dangerous driver who was driving negligently. In the second bus accident of the morning, a truck hit the back of a bus on its way into New York. That truck accident also caused injuries according to reports. Police say that vehicles, especially larger ones like a truck or bus, must leave significant amounts of room for braking and to slow down in traffic. This becomes even more necessary in bad weather that makes larger vehicles more prone to a traffic accident according to analysts. News reports show that in the third vehicular accident of the day, five trucks and three cars were involved in a large motor vehicle crash incident. That car accident occurred inside of the tunnel and apparently caused accident injuries as well. This caused not only additional traffic but also concerns from traffic safety advocates. They worry that some truck drivers and bus drivers are reckless drivers but also wonder if police and lawmakers have been negligent in properly dealing with the problem. Some contend that these dangerous drivers should have their driver’s licenses suspended or even be arrested for endangering the welfare of the public. Check out more of the multiple bus and truck accidents here.