Author Archives: admin

Get the Ice Off Your Car, or Face New Jersey Law

Snow, ice, slush and freezing cold temperatures make New York driving a dangerous condition for even the most experienced driver. Now imagine the force of a solid, twenty pounds chunk of ice shooting off an oncoming truck along a highway and smashing through the glass of a car windshield or causing a major pedestrian injury. It happens every year, in Brooklyn, Queens, Manhattan, the Bronx and throughout New York City and NY State. With similar climate conditions, New Jersey faces the similar winter car accident dangers. Recently, the State of New Jersey responded with legislation aimed at preventing car accidents and personal injury. The controversial New Jersey snow and ice law took effect this week, signed by Governor Corzine. The Concept: Fine drivers up to $1,000 (cars) and $1,500 (trucks) if they fail to remove existing snow and ice from their motor vehicles before driving. New York personal injury lawyers recognize the value in preventing car accident injury, but point out the flip side of the new law. The law encourages millions of New York drivers to clear their cars under icy conditions, by climbing on frozen, slippery vehicles and picking away at ice blocks, in order to respect the law. Is the new law introducing more personal injury than it intends to prevent? Let’s see.

A New York Personal Injury Lawyer's Perspective on Delaware Kindergarten Suspension

Fox News, the New York Times and other media outlets recently scooped the story of Zachary Christie, a Six year-old boy suspended from school for forty-five days. The offense: The kindergarten boy brought a combined Fork, Spoon, Knife tool to school for use at Lunch. While no personal injury was caused, the school classified the tool as a weapon, and so the boy technically violated the school’s zero-tolerance weapons policy. At first glance, the story provides a quick basis for criticizing the school for being insensible in its enforcement of rules (other points here). After all, the boy did not have any intent to cause personal injury to himself or others. On the other hand, point out New York personal injury lawyers, some children do bring knifes to school, with intent to hurt. New York City public schools and others nationwide have seen it. And that is a very dangerous condition.  The bottom line is that schools bear a legal responsibility to provide safe places for kids to learn, just as companies must provide safe places for people to work. Rules, regulations and law are the means by which these institutions do so. Injury compensation, Slip and fall liability, and negligent conditions are necessary to keep New York workplaces, apartments, sidewalks, buses and hospitals safe. So before snickering at the Christina School District’s judgment, let’s recognize its aim of upholding safety. Nobody wants a personal injury to transpire, not a school or anyone else.

Long Island New York Hospital Leaves Patient on Operating Table

Hospitals make mistakes. Errors and omissions can occur before, during, and after any given medical procedure, say New York’s personal injury attorneys. In fact, New York hospitals have a history of medical malpractice. Recall the $3 Million Meningitis Medical Malpractice in which Morrison & Wagner successfully proved a NY hospital’s failure to diagnose. Recently, New York State Health Department slammed Manhasset’s North Shore University Hospital for abandoning a 32-year old woman in the Operating Room. The patient waited endlessly for brain surgery. Due to a negligent error on the hospital’s behalf, the hospital’s scheduled neurosurgeon was out of town, and far from available. In addition, the hospital’s chief of Neurosurgery refused to perform the scheduled procedure in the other doctor’s stead. And so the patient waited at the last moment, until realizing that nobody was prepared to follow through with the important procedure. More info about the Long Island injury case here. Manhattan injury lawyers contend that the patient suffered due to the hospital malpractice. Top Personal Injury attorneys encourage medical malpractice and injury victims to pursue full compensation for pain and suffering.

Pedestrian Injury :: Car Hits New York Man Crossing Street, Again

Manhattan is known as the, “City that Never Sleeps.” New York streets are filled with people walking and cars driving. But with all the action, comes accidents, say New York personal injury lawyers. This week, a Westchester man tried crossing a street while in a wheelchair. In broad daylight, an oncoming car hit him and sent him to the hospital for treatment. A New York motorcyclist was thrown from her bike when a drunk driver lost control. A teen on a skateboard was hit by a car. The list of car accidents continues. Top Injury lawyers have seen and won countless accidents involving New York folks crossing the street, cars running into intersections, trucks hitting motorcycles, and other types of car crashes. See the numbers. This New York City bus knocked down an elderly pedestrian who crossed a New York City street. Top Injury Attorneys helped the New York victim receive $1.9 Million in compensation for pain, suffering and damages. Our winning lawyers assist victims right away, clarifying the facts of a case, identifying possible negligence and pursuing compensation. Want to see proof? Check out Injury Attorney’s list of Injury cases and understand why people count on us.

Personal Injury Attorneys Say, Watch Out for Elevators

Nowadays, elevators have become standard parts of the lives of millions of New Yorkers who live and work in sky-high buildings. Like sidewalkspublic buses and parking lots, elevators can also cause serious personal injury, caution top New York personal injury attorneys. A 1994 study by the Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) documented as many as 7,300 escalator and 9,800 elevator injuries that necessitated hospitalization — in one year alone! Accidents and personal injuries keep happening. This week, says CBS, an Albany New York worker had on the job injury, and got wedged between an open parking lot elevator and a concrete floor. The victim sustained a serious head injury as a result of the accident. Got hurt in an elevator or job accident?  Contact New York’s leading Personal Injury attorneys who can fight and win your case or settlement. Look for a successful history of wins, and get maximum compensation.

Prevent New York Car Accident Injury & Death :: Check Your Infant Car Seat

Top New York Personal injury lawyers help victims of all ages, including infants and seniors. For instance, see this $1,900,000 story about an elderly man person struck in a Transit Authority bus injury. According to New York State Police, “Motor vehicle crashes are the leading cause of death for children ages 3 to 6, and 8 to 14.” Hence, to prevent children’s accident injury in motor vehicles, on September 12-18, NYPD will run National Child Passenger Safety Week, a whole week dedicated to educating, inspecting and enforcing child car safety guidelines. Having spent over fifty years of combined experience helping injured car accident victims, New York Personal Injury Lawyers welcomes NYPD’s pro-active effort to reduce wrongful death and injury. Safer roads means safer New Yorkers. Pedestrian accidents and car crash injuries happen all the time. We see it every day. Check out this story of two pedestrians knocked over by public van in Queens, NY. Personal Injury attorneys fought and won $1.3 Million for victim compensation. We encourage all New York drivers to visit Safe NY today and find a local NY checking stations for car seats and child fastenings. Studies show that most car seats are not properly installed in vehicles, which compromises their effectiveness. Do your kids and yourself a favor, check your car seats.

Medical Malpractice Fears Driving New York Hospitals to Brace for Swine Flu Injury

New York Hospitals are bracing for the worst, say New York personal injury lawyers. According to this week’s NY Daily News, forty-seven New Yorkers have already died wrongful deaths due to Swine Flu H1N1 infections. Medical centers are fearful, trying hard to avoid a failure to diagnose a Swine Flu H1N1 infection. New York hospitals are therefore treating every flu-like patient as an actual H1N1 victim. New York injury lawyers contend that such caution makes sense in light of the severe consequences of medical negligence and malpractice. Beside potentially causing a wrongful death, a hospital’s failure to diagnose an H1N1 infection can lead to multi-million dollar negligence malpractice cases against doctors and the hospital itself. To avoid such malpractice suits, hospitals are trying are treating every flu as if it is the worst case. Another sign of caution against H1N1 injury: Mayor Blomberg announced that the City readied million of vaccines for New York kids and adults. Critics say the city’s plans are not enough, and that hospital overload is imminent. From the perspective of NY personal injury law, the balance between caution, cost, public fear, and personal injury due to medical misdiagnosis is at stake.

Fight Against Cancer & Infection :: Merck Vaccine Wins Again

Hospitals and doctors frequently prescribe heavy drugs in efforts to treat infection and its accompanying injury. But top New York injury lawyers insist that an ounce of prevention beats a pound of cure. Failure to diagnose and treat an infection can lead to long-term personal injury, pain and suffering. In a classic instance of medical malpractice, this New York hospital failed to diagnose a Meningitis infection that led to brain injury and loss of hearing. The New York child successfully received $3 Million in compensation. Prevention of infection is key. In 2006, Merck, a global pharmaceutical manufacturer, launched Gardasil, a vaccine aimed against an infection that causes cervical cancer and genital warts. NY Injury attorneys appreciate the role of such a vaccine, as their clients have experienced the suffering and complications of cancer and warts (See The New York Post.) Three days ago, the FDA and CDC confirmed their positive approval of Merck’s Gardasil, winning another round in the fight against cancer and infection.

Personal Injury of Close Kind : Family Fight Causes Serious Head Injury

Where do Personal Injuries occur? In short, say New York personal injury lawyers — Anywhere. A personal injury may occur on a stranger’s property, such as while walking through a parking lot or even in one’s own home. These cases are known as premises liability injuries. When such happens, a mortgage company, building owner, or caretaker may be negligent for the injuries that a victim sustained. For instance, see the $4.5 Million Bronx New York injury story Premises Liability – Hole in Kitchen Floor Not Repaired. In addition, personal injuries can occur in the homes and cars of family members and friends. New York’s WHEC recently scooped the story of a 38-year old woman who jumped from a car, while riding along an Ontario highway last Tuesday night with her sister. The woman sustained a severe head injury due to the impact. The cause of the sudden flight was allegedly a disagreement with the victim’s sister. See a half a million dollar New York fight injury, Assault – Victim Hit by Pool Cube. While the woman’s sister in the car may not be negligent, the story does demonstrate that people can get hurt while located in other people’s property. When such accidents do occur, a third party may be liable for creating the dangerous condition personal injury does strike, get the New York personal injury pros on your side, and maximize your compensation. They have a record of winning millions to prove it.